Tag Archives: Bass trombone

YouTube channel up and running with my first video

I finally uploaded the video from Jonathan Warburton’s premiere of Where is home?, a piece in four movements for solo bass trombone. The piece was written in commemoration of my political exile from Sweden. Yes, they don’t allow home education as an option for most families, and after fighting the government (unsuccessfully) about the issue for about two years, we left for the United States. We are happy about living here, but it still hurts sometimes to think about how unwelcome we were in my home country because of our educational philosophy.

That means you can view this recording too, from October 3, 2022, at the University of South Carolina.

It is my intention to regularly populate my channel with new recordings of my works. Do subscribe to get a notification whenever new content is uploaded.

Mr. Warburton is planning another performance of the piece next year, which I hope to be able to attend in person.

Premieres of October 2022

Where is home?, my piece for solo bass trombone, was played by Jonathan Warburton publicly for the first time on October 3rd at the University of South Carolina, hosted by Michael Wilkinson, Assistant Professor of Trombone. I’m anxiously waiting to hear the recording, and I plan to post it here as soon as I’m able to.

A couple of months ago, I had the thought to write a sacred song for three-part women’s choir. I decided to use lyrics from Psalm 22 and Isaiah 58, and I call it Thou shalt call, and the LORD shall answer. It features a viola and piano as accompaniment. I asked some ladies in my local church congregation to sing it, and I played the viola, and we sang it for the first time yesterday (October 9) at our church service.

I hope to post a recording of that song as well here eventually.